Costs and advantages


129 USD – annual payment to be a member of PMI International

30 USD – annual payment to be a member of PMI Romania Chapter. Also, at the time of the first enrollment in PMI Romania, members can benefit from discounts

10 USD – single payment for the first accession to PMI International

32 USD – annual payment to be a member of PMI International

At the time of the first enrollment in PMI Romania, members can benefit from discounts.

65 USD – annual payment to be a member of PMI International

At the time of the first enrollment in PMI Romania, members can benefit from discounts.

Advantages of being a member of PMI Romania Chapter

After becoming a member of the PMI Romania Chapter, you enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

Free access to PMI Romania Chapter resources – PMBoK Guide – online version

Free access to articles and webinars organized by PMI Romania Chapter

Discount on Project Management courses organized by partner A.T.P training companies

Free participation in events organized by PMI Romania (Monthly meetings, meetups, workshops, etc.)

Individual and group discount for participation in events sponsored by PMI Romania Chapter

Opportunities to get involved as a volunteer in projects from the PMI Romania Chapter portfolio (MENTORSHIP, Webinar, etc.)

Participation in events also provides a number of PDUs for maintaining PMI (R) certifications (CAPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, etc.).

Opportunities to get involved as a volunteer in projects in the PMI (R) and PMIRO portfolio by accessing VRSM (Volunteer Relationship Management System)

In addition, you benefit from:

Free access to PMI (R) resources – online version (PMBok Guide, Practical Guides, forms and tools, etc.)

Free access to articles and webinars offered by PMI (R) on the website

Discounts offered for participation in PMI (R) sponsored events and printed books from the PMI (R) online bookstore